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How to Buy the Perfect Hardwood Flooring For your Home?
The options available in floor solutions are overwhelming for the homeowners. Amongst all its competitors, hardwood emerges strong and prevailing due to various factors like its longevity, eco-friendliness, low maintenance costs, and versatility to suit the modern home interiors. Despite being an obvious and popular choice, your hardwood flooring may ditch you in a shorter time, if you do not choose it wisely. Here are the things to ponder before buying this flooring option.
It Should Complement Your Home Décor:
If you truly want to redesign your home in a unique way, you must choose the flooring type, design, and pattern that suit your home interiors. You shouldn’t prefer a contemporary design for a country-style home.
Choose an Appropriate Plank Width:
The width of planks in your hardwood floor should be commensurate with the dimensions of every room. Never choose wide planks for a small space. It can make your rooms look smaller than their actual size. Another problem is faced in changing weather when floorboards tend to contract or expand. Due to lesser planks, the gap between these boards looks much larger and unattractive.
Choose According To The Subfloor:
This point is often overlooked by the homeowners but it has a severe impact on the durability of floors. Never apply hardwood floor on the concrete subfloors. For such flooring, engineered wood is a better and lesser expensive option.
Undoubtedly, solid hardwood adds value to your hardwood floor installation but it must be chosen appropriately to ensure their longevity.